This week in Your Parents Basement, we go soaring through Angel Land as Nintendo’s most-recognized cherub! The gang plays Kid Icarus, and has fun, despite dying way too many times even with the help of save states and strategy guides.
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On this week’s show, we were joined by Paul Christian Glenn, who someday hopes that his progeny can fulfill his dream of defeating Kid Icarus. Paul is the co-host of AfterPod, which is a daily podcast show about The Adam Carolla Show, The Mystery Show, and when it comes out, Serial’s second season. If you like the clever shut-ins of Your Parents Basement, you should give AfterPod a listen-and-subscribe as well.
Show notes for Kid Icarus:
– The list of characters and enemies that we mention on the show. The green-haired lass is Palutena (Pail of Tuna). For a helpful chart of the enemies with their appearance, check out the invaluable Kid Icarus page on Strategy Wiki.
– Since we didn’t mention it on the show when we usually do… Because it was a cult classic, an NES copy of the game is somewhat rare now. On eBay, the game alone goes for between $10 and $20, with the manual alone costing around $20. A complete game, manual and box combination goes for $50 to $100, depending on what condition you want it in.
– Want to play Mother 3? You can find details of the fan translation here. It’s a solid, but maudlin, Game Boy Advance RPG. It’s not quite as good as the Super Nintendo Earthbound, but it’s still definitely worth playing if you liked that game.
– Other games briefly discussed on today’s show, in the Video Game News Rewind segment: Diablo 2, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Jet Set Radio, Ultima VI and Wing Commander.